I thought about what I wanted to do with this feature since while I love it and I wanted to continue it, it was just
Author: comicsgirl
33 for 2013
This is my list of the 33 things that happened in the comics world in 2013 that made me happy. They’re in alphabetical order. 13th
The D.C. Area Comics Scene for Nov. 13
Housekeeping note: The D.C. Area Comics Scene is taking December off. The post on Nov. 26 will be the last one in 2013. The first
Saturday Night Comic Book Movie Double Feature: British Edition
I know there are more British movies based on comics than just these two (some of which I’ve already covered, though), but mostly, I just
Near Miss: White Tiger: A Hero’s Compulsion & Black Widow: Homecoming
There was that strange moment in the last decade where Marvel and DC were looking to novelists to expand their pool of writers. Mostly, it