King Con II

Last month, I decided against going to New York Comic Con. It wasn’t a big deal and I’m happy I didn’t go.

However, by the time I’d made my decision, I had already purchased non-refundable bus tickets. Fortunately, though, those bus tickets were transferable.

So that meant I really had no excuse to not go to King Con at the Brooklyn Lyceum. And I’m excited I get to, especially since I thought I was going to have to skip it.

The programming looks great, although I’m bummed that I’m going to have to miss the “Hips, Lips, and Pencil Tips: The Sexual Female as Feminist Focal Point” panel (it’s 6:30 on Sunday and I’ll be on a bus. Some of us do have to work on Monday, and no, taking Monday off is not an option next week. Otherwise, I would’ve found a way). The guest list looks great, too — lots of familiar faces but some new ones, too. Since this will likely be my last show of the year (sorry, Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival, but we’ll see), it seems like a good one to end the year with.

I may stop in Saturday and write a report, but otherwise, expect a full account by Monday (morning, if I’m lucky, but afternoon if I’m not).

Other things in New York I will probably not have time to see: Tara McPherson’s show at Jonathan Levine Gallery and the Art of Kill Shakespeare show at Chair and the Maiden. You, however, should go to these things if you have time.

(I am planning on reviewing the first six issues of Kill Shakespeare here soon — here’s a spoiler: I like it a lot.)

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