Comic-Con Day 2

I had all kinds of fun today, although it was exhausting.

Moto Hagio rocks my world. I loved being near her during her spotlight today, and I was overjoyed to meet her, however briefly, during the signing at the Fantagraphics booth. She’s so amazing. There are only a few creators I can think of that are like her — just so open and incredible. I love that I got to see her and I’m enjoying what I’ve read of Drunken Dreams and Other Stories so far (she and Matt Thorn laughed at my name because the girl in front of me was named Heaven and I was named Eden. Good times). It’s kind of hard to put into words quite what someone like Hagio means to comics, but she’s why I read comics. I adore that Fantagraphics is putting her into print in English.

Most of the rest of the day involved wandering about, ducking in and out of panels (I still have a couple from yesterday I need to write up). I saw the Very Famous Helicopter attached to this post (apparently, it’s been in Black Hawk Down and Iron Man and Terminator: Salvation).

I did stop at the Uglydolls booth and bought a bag (much classier than the big huge giveaway bag for my grocery shopping) and a clip-on Ninja Batty Shogun. Of course, I then promptly lost my Ninja Batty Shogun (I probably could’ve gone back and tried to look for it, but it was so crowded I figured it was long gone).

I did buy two tiny cute paintings from Lark Pien and I told her how much I loved Long Tail Kitty

The evening was spent at the Geek Girls Tweetup, which was all kinds of fun. We even have celebrities of the Mythbusters sort (Grant and Kari). I met some people and made some new friends. Everyone was wonderful and it was a very good time.

But I still have two more days of this? Should be fun.