Off to Comic-Con!

It’s doubtful you’ll hear from me during the first half of this week due to final Comic-Con prep. I’m driving down to Richmond after work Wednesday because early Thursday morning (7 a.m.!), I will board a plane to San Diego (well, a plane to Dallas-Fort Worth, where I will then board a plane to San Diego) so I can go spend a four-day weekend inside a convention center with 100,000 of my friends.

I expect to be overwhelmed and exhausted by the end of it. Or you know, from the very beginning. In any case, “Going to San Diego for Comic-Con” is something I can mark off my checklist.

I am there for Geek Girl on the Street so expect more “newsy” stuff to be there — interviews, panel reports, etc. I will try to post here, too, though, but probably more of in a “journal” style. We’ll see, though. At the very least, expect a roundup sometime on Monday morning if I don’t post throughout the con.

You can always keep up with me on Twitter, of course, and I’ve set up a Flickr account for this very purpose (there’s nothing there yet, though).

It should be fun. Or at the very least, it will be interesting.

As a slight plea: This trip has actually come at a bad time for me financially and no, I’m not trying to whine too much because I’m going to Comic-Con, after all and I know I’m much more fortunate than a lot of people, but money’s been tight. If you want to take some pity on me, consider buying from Amazon through my affiliate link. There’s also a Paypal donation button on my About page, if you’re inclined to go that way.

If you don’t do these things, I’m still going to like you but I figure it’s worth a shot. It’s something I try to do for bloggers and other sites I like.