Drink & Draw Like a Lady 2010

This will be a quick and incoherent post (if you’d like to read my slightly more coherent thoughts, they’re here) but it was a Good Time so I felt the need to post again about it here.

Yeah, there were the usual suspects, but there were also a lot of newbies. And I mean that in the best possible way. Look, I love (just about) everyone that makes comics but the more you go to cons and shows and such, the more you see the same people over and over again.

A lot of the women at this were young (like I probably have a decade on many of them) and that’s awesome (I will probably be using that word too many times here). I love that many of them came to this by themselves because they thought it sounded like a neat thing. And while there were some “names” there (and I mean that with respect — to me, some of the women there are famous), everyone felt like equals. We were there because we loved comics and we wanted to meet other people who loved comics.

I know some men have kind of grumbled (even if it’s mostly jokingly) about how it’s sexist and exclusionary. And maybe some of them sort of have a point (but I’d also like to point out that men who make comics have no shortage of opportunities to hang out with each other), but this didn’t feel like anyone was being left out. It felt very welcoming and very friendly.

I’ve been reading comics a long time (almost longer than I think some of the attendees tonight have been alive — no, I’m not kidding) and there was a time I figured that such a thing like Drink & Draw Like a Lady could never exist. It’s a powerful and wonderful thing and I’d love to see the concept take off even more (I know there will be one before Stumptown this year). It’s really that good.

(And now, I am crashing. I spent six hours on a bus — when it should’ve been about four and a half hours — in front of a group of guys going to a bachelor party in New York, and oh, from their conversation, it showed. Tomorrow will be a long day at MoCCA and running around the city so I need my sleep.)

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