Coraline trailer

It’s very quiet out there and my schedule being what it is, I haven’t had much time to work on much. All my Google searches are just turning up stuff about Twilight right now (although the post from Splash Page about Neil Gaiman’s daughter Maddie and Mike Mignola’s daughter Katie reading the books was pretty much fun). Also a lot about Gossip Girls creator Josh Schwartz writing a movie script for X-Men: First Class (Not that I watch Gossip Girls or any of the other shows he’s been a part of, but I approve. I always liked the angst of X-Men. Still, we’ll see what happens).

Both those things are interesting on their own, but not so much worthy of their own post.

But I do feel the Coraline trailer is worthy of one.

OK, so it wasn’t a comic (although I did quite like P. Craig Russell’s comic version of it, which I’ll get around to reviewing here eventually), but I like Coraline. I was dubious about the movie at first but I’m now squarely in the “WANT TO SEE NOW” camp on this one.

I do think it’s funny that Neil Gaiman is not mentioned anywhere in the trailer. Not that I noticed, anyway.