SPX: The fun continues

I got a little bit of a later start today since I lingered over brunch with friends, so I’ve only been here about an hour. It’s noticeably less crowded today, but it’s still buzzing with people. Also noticing that plenty of people are beginning to look tired — the collections of people sitting on the floor in the lobby has grown considerably. I have no issue with that — some of my favorite memories from last year is when I decided just to sit and read comics for an hour.

I am out of money. I am even out of money that I don’t actually have. But I am happy with my purchase. It would certainly be fun to buy more, but after MoCCA this year, I’ve been pretty well set for minicomics.

I like the diversity of the crowd — lots of women, both in terms of attendees and exhibitors. There is also a good amount of children, which I also think is great. Yeah, we’ve been joking all weekend about a certain demographic of people who comes to SPX (we were developing an SPX bingo … out of love, of course, out of love) but there is also a good number of people who don’t fit into that. I think that’s great.

This certainly is the friendliest show. I loved MoCCA and I’ll go again, but I think this is more fun.

I have a Picasa album of some OK photos from the show. I have a cheap little camera that doesn’t know what to do. I’ll be able to edit them a bit more on another computer. I just wanted to show some sights, including the volunteers who’ve been working hard all weekend.

It does seem like this show’s been really well attended so far this year. There aren’t any hard numbers for comparison, but I think it does seem that the move to Saturday/Sunday was a good one.

We are in the last couple of hours so I’m not sure if I’ll have another update, except for reviews. But I think everyone can agree that it’s been great. I’m sorry if you missed it.