SPX begins

I would love to post a photo to illustrate the awesomeness of Small Press Expo, but I forgot the cord for my camera. Or well, not so much forgot but brought the wrong one, and attempts to buy a new one have not been successful.

But there will be photos. Eventually.

First, I want to applaud the volunteer staff. I helped with registration last night and it’s great to see other people devoting their Friday night to this show. The hall opened at 7 a.m. this morning for exhibitors and volunteers were there (not me, though). I think attendees may forget that it does take people to run this show — it’s truly a labor of love for everyone. If you see a volunteer, tell them thank you for me.

(And also, volunteering is just excellent fun, which I think is reason enough to do it.)

So far, the place seems pretty crowded and we’re only about an hour in. I think the switch to the Saturday/Sunday schedule was probably a good one.

I’ve only walked the floor once (haven’t bought anything yet) but there is a lot of cool stuff here so far. I like the diversity of what I’ve seen.

I’ll report more later, especially after purchases have been made. And maybe I’ll solve that whole camera issue …