Too many things going on …

I am doing about 1,000 things (as usual) and while there’s a few reviews on the back burner, there are more important things (in other words, things I’m being paid for) that are taking priority.

Next weekend is the Baltimore Comic Con. I will not be there, however, since I will be at the National Book Festival instead. The weekend after that is Small Press Expo, and I will be there, more than likely for the entire weekend. (Baltimore’s Atomic Books is having a pre-party and 16th anniversary celebration on Oct. 3, but I doubt I’ll be there.)

Anime USA is the weekend after that, and if I’m not completely burned out, it’s a maybe (a little pricey, but might be fun).

And then, I think the entire D.C. area prepares for winter hibernation. Which I know I’m going to need.