MoCCA Art Festival


Right now, it’s all kind of a blur. I was in New York for less than 24 hours, feeling rather tired, it was hot (as everyone has mentioned) and I was basically being fueled by coffee.

But it was a ton of fun, despite all of that. MoCCA puts on a wonderful show.

I loved that everyone was handed a Forbidden Planet bag as they walked in the door. One of the oft-heard complaints at Small Press Expo is that there were no bags. When you start accumulating mini-comics and books, you need a bag.

They are different shows and certainly there’s a lot of crossover, but MoCCA is clearly much more of a New York show than SPX. The exhibitors there seemed to have a bit more range, seemed to be a little more ambitious. What I’ve read so far of what I bought confirms this. The difference is subtle but it’s there.

The day was capped with a visit to the Murakami exhibit at the Brooklyn Musuem. And then exhaustion.

I’m happy I went. It was quite a whirlwind but a delightful one nonetheless. This is one of the vaguest, most nondescript accounts of MoCCA I’m sure you’ve read. More will come back to me as I go through what I bought (I basically just walked up to tables, picked something up and paid for it. I was nearly at the point where I didn’t remember who I’d bought from and who I hadn’t).

But yes, I would go again. I hope next year it won’t be the hottest day ever.

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