Comments on: Near Miss: The Sisterhood of Steel (1984-1986) Thu, 06 Feb 2014 07:11:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: steveha Thu, 06 Feb 2014 07:11:31 +0000 Years ago, in a used bookstore, I picked up a copy of the graphic novel (“Boronwë, Daughter of Death”). I liked it pretty well and always wanted to read the comics that came before it.

My favorite moment: the main character at one point finds something shocking, and neither melts down helplessly nor tosses off a jaded heroic one-liner. She gets on with what she needs to be doing but is obviously stressed about it, and at one point when she is confronted with a stuck door she bursts out with “I want OUT of this pit of madness!!!” I really felt that was a perfect reaction to the situation.

The ending sets up for future stories but I guess we never will see them now.

I suspect that I tolerate thin characters better than you do, if the background is interesting. The Sisterhood, its politics, its secret passages, etc. all had me very interested.

Now I want to dig that graphic novel up from my stacks, and see what I think of it after all these years.
