Comments on: Apparently, yes, they’re still writing articles like this Wed, 19 Aug 2009 23:01:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: talkinboutcomics Tue, 26 Aug 2008 15:30:47 +0000 Yeah, I agree. I think the model of what I want is sort of like what Kleefeld is talking about In this post. Different topic, similar treatment.

By: comicsgirl Tue, 26 Aug 2008 01:39:55 +0000 I did like the strips that accompanied the article — and yeah, I was being a little hard on it. But for the Post, who does have at least one noted comic book fan on staff (Michael Dirda), it just felt a little too condescending. I don’t want articles with a tone of “you’re stupid if you don’t like comics” either, but I want some somewhere between the two.

By: talkinboutcomics Mon, 25 Aug 2008 17:35:48 +0000 I thought that the article was pretty decent, and I also felt that it represented a sort of change from the ‘same old articles’ to which you refer, and which most of us dread. It made a pretty solid point that Graphic novels are comics, and that they are a medium and not a genre as so many seem to still think.

I thought it read more like a ‘late adopter’s’ look at something that clearly a large part of the population has started to embrace, but that he himself did not quite get yet.

The article was huge and fairly prominent in the paper, it talked some about the market, and of course how underutilized the medium has been here, etc. It also used comic strips to highlight how the medium can work, rather than as a gee whiz sort of thing… I thought at least.

The paper also devoted space in the book world to comics reviews. Should we have to have this sort of thing these days, no. Would it be better if there were articles about comics that weren’t written as though a bizarre new alien culture had been discovered? of course!.

Excellent blog!… and yes, B.L.O. and Hope Larson are the cutest ever. I really enjoyed Bear Creek Apartments. I look forward to your write up of Chiggers (I just read it in the last month or two.)
