watchmen – Comicsgirl Sun, 23 Aug 2009 03:36:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 watchmen – Comicsgirl 32 32 59683043 Dark Horizons on Watchmen Sun, 01 Mar 2009 05:06:01 +0000 Garth Franklin reviews it here. This is one of the most thoughtful and even-handed reviews of the movie I’ve read so far.

I am not going to be running out to see Watchmen. I enjoyed seeing the trailer and I think it’s kind of cool it got made, but I just can’t find the energy to care about it right now. And anyway, I think I pretty much spent my movie-going budget for the year seeing Coraline twice.

I really liked this from Franklin’s review:

More admirable than engaging, this is a dense work filled with so many layers both historical and intellectual that its deeper meanings are almost impossible to truly capture on a single viewing (making reviewing it under such conditions a daunting prospect). Yet like its most colorful character Rorschach, the no compromise mentality which fuses comic book pulp with existential overtones will ostracize it from reaching beyond a limited but hardcore set who will exalt it as the new standard.

Because that’s basically how I feel about Alan Moore’s work overall. So at least the movie is faithful in that respect.

AV Club: “Better Late Than Never: Watchmen” Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:30:44 +0000 Writer Nathan Rabin finally gets around to reading Watchmen. It’s more of a summary sprinkle with a few critiques (here’s a hint: He likes it).

I did read Watchmen much later than I should’ve (I mean, it’s been years and years and years now, but there was a period of time where I’d have to shamefully admit I hadn’t read it). To me, it doesn’t matter if you like or dislike it (although I think there would be a rare person who’d say they hated it). If you like comics, Watchmen is just something you read.

I should probably reread it here soon. I’m curious as to what I think of it now.

(The original issues — as in, the floppies — seem to be going for ridiculous amounts on eBay. I may not have a whole set, but I think I have pretty close to it. I should see where they went to and what kind of shape they’re in.)

Well, at least the trailer is good Fri, 18 Jul 2008 03:20:04 +0000 I don’t have particularly high hopes for the Watchmen movie, but this does make it look good. But we’ll see.

And yes, I know this is all over the Internet and you’ve already watched it. But some of us were working.
