giant robot – Comicsgirl Wed, 12 Mar 2014 01:51:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 giant robot – Comicsgirl 32 32 59683043 Final thoughts on Comic-Con Mon, 26 Jul 2010 23:43:58 +0000 After tomorrow, no one will care.

I did make it home just fine — the TSA just asked a few questions and it wasn’t that big of a deal (my bags weren’t even searched, but I’ve read that’s the case sometimes). It sounded like I wasn’t the first person who’d lost his or her wallet (in fact, while I was waiting, a man came up and said he’d lost his ID, but he had other things with him). It seems like it’s a pretty common occurrence during Comic-Con.

While I was waiting for my plane, I overheard a conversation where one guy was complaining that it was “too crowded” this year and he didn’t go to any panels because the lines were too long. He didn’t specifically say what he wanted to go to, though. But I do kind of get the feeling that a lot of the “big” announcements that come out of Comic-Con don’t really need fans to be there to be announced. I do think the debate of “Is Comic-Con too big?” will be one that will never be solved.

(And just as a point of reference: Most people don’t care about Comic-Con. The TSA agents said they’ve never been and didn’t even know it went on until a couple of years ago. My hairstylist today asked me what it was.)

I do think it’s a problem that Comic-Con sells out months in advance, though, sure. It means people really have to plan ahead, even before knowing if there’s going to be anything they want to see there. I don’t know if there’s an answer to that, though, without radically changing the structure of the show.

As for me, next year, I will plan ahead a bit more, not lose my wallet and bring more than one pair of shoes. And not make ridiculous trip-home plans that involve late-night flights and then hanging out in O’Hare for three hours in the early morning. I have no clue as to why I picked that itinerary.

And just for fun, these are the celebrities I saw just hanging around:

  • Kristin Schaal and Eugene Mirman
  • Grant Imahara and Kari Byron
  • Daniel Dae Kim (2/3 of the way down the page — in the Guy Fawkes mask. I saw him at the Giant Robot booth and I knew it was him. I knew this because I read the Internet and knew he’d done this before. So this is possibly my nerdiest celebrity sighting. And I do remember seeing Grace Park, too, but I didn’t know it was her at the time.)
  • Mark Hamill
Spotlight on Jillian Tamaki at Comic-con Sat, 24 Jul 2010 19:44:09 +0000 When I repacked my stuff today, I forgot to pack a pen. I have at least seven pens in my possession while I’m here, but did any of them make it into my backpack this morning? Nope. So I wasn’t able to take notes during this, so it’ll be from my memory (and I’ve seem to already forgotten a lot of it. Sigh.)

Comic book people probably are most familiar with Jillian Tamaki because of the graphic novel Skim that she did with her cousin Mariko Tamaki, but she’s an accomplished illustrator and comic creator on her own too. She has a recent collection out from Drawn and Quarterly called Inside Voice.

She started her talk with a slideshow of a lot of her illustrations. She talked about what she likes to do (more interpretive illustrations for science articles) and what she doesn’t (images of celebrities, mostly because she doesn’t think she’s great at likenesses). It was a fun glimpse into her process and I love people who are able to be creative for their job.

She then talked about comics and showed how she put together Skim. Mariko had given her a script but didn’t break it down panel by panel, so she had a lot of freedom to do what she wanted. She sketched it out in thumbnail form first and even put together a little book of her thumbnails to check on transitions and things like that. Since it was a pretty intense process and she didn’t have long to do it, she made jokes about being “unwashed” for a couple of weeks.

After her slideshow, Eric Nakamura of Giant Robot asked questions. She said it wasn’t bad collaborating with her cousin because they didn’t actually know each other very well at the point they started (they do now, however). She said Inside Voice was sort of born out of her sketch blog, which she started as a creative outlet. While she loves illustrating and feels like she can put a lot of herself in it, it’s to some art director’s whims. It allows her to do what she wants.

Both she and Nakamura discussed the process of getting started for young illustrators (basically, work for free. OK, that wasn’t so much the point, but they both agreed that sometimes it’s good to be out there even if you’re not getting paid). Tamaki also said she sees a disconnect between the illustration world and the comics world. When she goes to illustration cons, they know her for that and don’t know she does comics. At events like Comic-Con, it’s the other way around.

She was delightful and said many other things that have fallen out of my brain. So yes, I should go try to find a pen somewhere so this doesn’t happen again.

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