emi gennis – Comicsgirl https://www.comicsgirl.com Sun, 31 Jul 2011 20:38:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://www.comicsgirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/cropped-EdenMiller2017-1-32x32.jpg emi gennis – Comicsgirl https://www.comicsgirl.com 32 32 59683043 Late summer minicomics review roundup https://www.comicsgirl.com/2011/07/31/late-summer-minicomics-review-roundup/ Sun, 31 Jul 2011 20:38:51 +0000 http://www.comicsgirl.com/?p=2741 I don’t have too many this time, but mostly I’m just trying to stay caught up since it’s quickly becoming convention season (I’m not sure if I’m going to make it to Philadelphia Alternative Comic Con, but we’ll see).

The Never-Ending War and Jailbreak!: Adam Dembicki
I will never say anything bad about comics made by a child.

While Adam obviously has a good guide in his dad, he has a clear sense of storytelling. The subject matter falls in typical boy interests — wars with aliens and cops & robbers — but Adam seems to have a mature sense of justice. He’s also becoming a wonderful artist. The aliens in The Never-Ending War are creative and scary. These are great.

(Plus, at this weekend’s DC Zine Fest, Adam handled the whole thing with the disinterest of a veteran. I think this kid has a future in comics just because of that.)

The Worst Kind of People Giant-Size #2: James Cuartero
If the title doesn’t tip you off, this collection of one-page comics is fairly vulgar and cruel. There is a purposefully distasteful vibe about it that turned me off at first, but the more I read it, the more I understood what it was going for. I think the comics got stronger as they went along — “My Baby Predator Daddy” and “#Winning” were two of my favorites. Cuartero’s dynamic faces convey the every-day moments of cruelty and disappointment well. I don’t know how much of this I need to read but I was ultimately impressed.

Spaz! #4 and From the Wikipedia List of Unusual Deaths: The Collyer Brothers: Emi Gennis
Gennis continues to develop as a cartoonist and while her often vulgar tales aren’t going to be for everyone, they do reflect a confident and playful perspective. Her “Emi’s Guide to Being a Teenager! Tip #37: How to Sneak Out of the House” is wonderful. The scenario she presents is overly complicated but almost seems plausible and the way she draws the big innocent eyes on herself is incredibly funny.

Gennis often inserts “unusual deaths” stories into her minicomics, but The Collyer Brothers is a standalone one. About two brothers who lived in Harlem at the first part of the 20th century, it’s both cruel and depressing. The comic is a wonderful showcase for Gennis’ artistic range, though, as she draws period costumes and building and a wide range of faces. Her Spaz! comics are fun but I like seeing what else she’s able to do.

Dodo Comis #1: Grant Thomas
Thomas’ narratives are more abstract than most comics (in fact, he was featured in Abstract Comics) but there is a definite lyrical beauty to his work. “Where Do Ideas Come From?” is a wonderful marriage of words and art — each makes the other stronger — and “The Duel” and “The Chase” take images from manga and strip the characters out, leaving only motion lines behind. These may be a little obtuse for some, but I admire his ability to expand on the art from of comics and what it can do.

Grow Up!: A Homage to Psuedo-Adulthood: Sara Baier
Feeling adrift in your 20s is nothing new — and a countless number of comics have been made about this subject. I often think there’s nothing else left to be said on this subject.

Baier proved me wrong. Through a series of vignettes, she meditates on what it means to be an adult. It’s often funny — the images of what she wanted to be when she grew up includes everything from “Gwen Stefani” to “A Mutant” — but it’s also sweetly poignant, as when her dad tells her there’s nothing wrong with the fact her heart tells he to do crazy things.

Her simple faces carry panels that are often dialogue- or text-heavy and I love her presentation of various icons of growing up — a diploma, or packing up to move away because you don’t know what else to do.

This is apparently Baier’s first completed comic. That seems crazy to me because it’s beautifully accomplished. I will love to see what she does next.

Review copies provided by Gennis and Thomas.

November minicomic review roundup, part 1 https://www.comicsgirl.com/2010/11/15/november-minicomic-review-roundup-part/ https://www.comicsgirl.com/2010/11/15/november-minicomic-review-roundup-part/#comments Mon, 15 Nov 2010 22:52:32 +0000 http://www.comicsgirl.com/?p=2120 These are comics I’ve accumulated during the past few months. I was waiting until I had several different things and then before I fully realized it, I had a huge stack. I think I’m catching everyone who has sent me something recently, but if it’s not here today, it will go up tomorrow.

As always, in no particular order.

Urban Nomad #1-3: Alisa Harris
There are a ton of creators making autobiographical comics and so they can often become a blur of relationship dramas and pretentious introspection. Alisa Harris, however, has a charming eye for the ups and downs of city life. The vignettes presented here showcase a smart young woman with a sense of adventure and her clear-eyed style capture moments perfectly. My favorite is the story of how she and her boyfriend Allan became domestic partners (for health insurance purposes — which I think is totally great). It’s sweet and simple and if you don’t want to hang out with them after reading this, something is wrong with you.

And speaking of Allan …

Things I’ve Seen at Shows (#1): Allan Norico
This is what it say: things (and people) Allan Norico has observed at rock shows. His commentary is funny and all-too accurate. Norico’s art evokes Jaime Hewlett at times, but he has a cleaner, bolder style filtered through a designer’s eye. I would love to see his work on T-shirts.

O.G.: Road Trippin’: JustJENN
Everyone’s favorite stationery-designing, Star Wars-party-throwing, cake-maker to the stars also makes comics. Based on actual conversations Jenn had with her grandmother while driving, this is hilarious and adorable. Jenn’s art here mostly consists of basic, bold shapes, but the simplicity works perfectly.

Thanksgiving Party and Hey!: Chris Uphues
Chris Uphues draws adorable cartoon hearts with arms, legs and big eyes. As a vegetarian, I dislike the punchline of “Thanksgiving Party” but it’s gentle and obvious enough (and suggests that his work may not be as cloying as it seems). “Hey!” would make a lovely Valentine, however. Uphues also sent along a book of images draw on paint chips. Looking at his website, he’s obviously interested in color and surreal design. I’d love to see more of his art, comic or otherwise.

Spaz #3: Emi Gennis
Emi Gennis presents herself — or at least, a version of herself — as a highly neurotic young woman. I actually had the thought while reading this that she’s like a younger, more vulgar version of Cathy, and I mean that as a compliment. Her one-page comics “Shit I Worry About” and “More Shit I Worry About” has small panels illustrating everything from the plausible “Everyone laughing at me” and “Debt” to the less-than-likely “Being pushed in front of the subway” and “Being poisoned.” She also feels conflicted over possible procreation — illustrating conversations with a person-sized zygote. Her art is cartoony and loose — all huge, round eyes and just enough detail. Her comics aren’t going to be everyone’s thing, but there is fun to be had here.

Review copies provided by Chris Uphues and Emi Gennis.

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