detroit – Comicsgirl Mon, 13 Jul 2009 21:05:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 detroit – Comicsgirl 32 32 59683043 Art Spiegelman at MOCAD Mon, 13 Jul 2009 21:05:22 +0000 I was recently in Michigan visiting my brother and enjoying the abundance of wonderful (wonderful!) beer they have there. But during a break in the drinking, we also managed to visit Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, which currently features an exhibition of Art Spiegelman’s work, focusing on Breakdowns.

It’s not a large exhibit, but what’s there is good. I liked seeing Spiegelman’s process — his sketches on graphic paper, revisions to the text and panel layouts — and how it all would come together in the final strip. While I never thought his work was really just thrown together, he’s much more of a technical artist than I thought. I’m glad I got to go.

The exhibit is up through July 26. Spiegelman himself will be at MOCAD on Wednesday. It’s $7 and I think tickets are still available (I see no indication anywhere otherwise). I, however, will not be since I’m back home (and sadly back at work — vacations are never long enough).

MOCAD is a neat space and I’d like to go back when I’m in Michigan again.
