Chicagoland DetectiveAgency #2:The Maltese MummyBuy on Our three favorite young detectives (well, two of them are young; the other is a talking dog) return
Author: comicsgirl
Moving beyond The Sandman and Strangers in Paradise
I love Ask MetaFilter. I really do. It’s an incredibly useful site and while sometimes fights do erupt, it’s smartly moderated. There is an awesome
Review: Remake
RemakeBuy on There are so many things to love about Lamar Abrams‘ Remake (AdHouse Books, 2009). First of all, I think AdHouse should sell
Do we care about Mary Jane?
Should we? These are honest questions. I was never really a Spider-Man fan so I don’t know that much about Mary Jane. She has, however,
Special Guest Review: My mom on The Book of Genesis Illustrated
Note from Eden: I actually don’t think I need to introduce this too much since my mom does a wonderful job with the context. I