Comments on: Graphic Content at Northwest One Neighborhood Library Mon, 26 Jul 2010 16:45:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: » Blog Archive » Magic Bullet comics newspaper coming soon! Mon, 26 Jul 2010 16:45:16 +0000 […] You can read about a forum on the DC comics scene held at the Northwest One Neighborhood Library at Comicsgirl’s blog. […]

By: Mark Ruffin Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:03:03 +0000 To echo, great coverage. I wasn’t able to attend but the discussions seemed to touch upon a broad range of leading-edge topics. And mad cool there’s going to be a podcast.
From my view, the panel’s ethnicity/gender hadn’t even come to mind until the question was mentioned. And that’s because out of the events attended or interviews read about from the DC area there’s been comics diversity in all caps. Like you indicated, Comicsgirl, some other artists such as the Luna Brothers were at the ALA just down the street.

By: Randy Mon, 28 Jun 2010 13:11:19 +0000 I had personal obligations that kept me from any comics fun (or work) this weekend, but it sounds like the panel came off pretty well! I hope someone will sponsor similar panels/gatherings in the future.

The diversity in comics thing is interesting in that I think of the attention the lack of women in comics pretty regularly gets (see all of the articles, blog posts, and comic show panels), but I think about all of the comics shows I have attended and all of the comics creators with whom I am generically familiar, and I think African-Americans might be a more under-represented minority actually! Comics has a good handful of Asian-Americans (Pop Mhan, Jo Chen, and the Luna Brothers are locals, in fact)…there is no shortage of Jewish contributors, at least historically…and the aforementioned Women category continues to show slow but steadily increasing footprint, certainly if you consider alternative and manga publishers. But successful African-Americans seem to be few and far between. Locally, I can only think off the top of my head of Ron Wilson (of the Baltimore area), who was a big creator at Marvel in the 70s. Maybe I’m missing someone, but that topic would probably be an interesting panel all by itself.

Just thinking aloud. Hopefully, I’ll see you kids next time!

By: Matt D. Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:35:08 +0000 I’m sorry I couldn’t make it, but I do plan to listen to it when it’s posted as a podcast. It sounds like it was a great conversation!

By: comicsgirl Sun, 27 Jun 2010 14:51:24 +0000 In reply to Mike Rhode.

I don’t think there’s some big conspiracy to keep women and minorities off panels (especially this one) but I do think with all the women in the audience (and although it was a small audience, it was still fairly ethnically diverse), it was worth noting and I’m glad she did it.

I think even though comics has become more and more open, there’s still a sense it’s a boys’ club, whether it’s true or not. And while I’m not a fan of diversity for diversity’s sake, I do think it’s a good thing to stop and think about why it so often default to white & male with these sorts of things.

And I think the panel was pretty cool — I liked the range of interests and styles on display there. It was absolutely welcoming and comfortable.

By: Mike Rhode Sun, 27 Jun 2010 01:27:46 +0000 Thanks for coming out and seeing this, and then reporting on it, Comicsgirl. Nice summation. I don’t really have an opinion on the white male thing, perhaps because I’m a white male, except to note that another main theme of the panel was how creating comics is now open to anyone since there’s essentially no cost and no gatekeepers on the web. As we wrapped up, I did note that the book I would recommend taking out of the library was Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, a book by and about a lesbian. And I got the contact info of the questioner who does a webcomic, and will be sending my standard Washington City Paper questions to her, and a young African-American man who was int the audience and is with DC Conspiracy, and appearing in their next anthology. Really, a main lesson to take home is that ‘self-promotion never sleeps.’

The DC Library is going to put the panel up as a podcast at some point.
