Comments on: Graphic Details Sun, 28 Feb 2010 16:45:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: eddie Tue, 24 Nov 2009 15:42:45 +0000 For sure pick up work by Kim Deitch! Stuff of Dreams, Shadowland and Waldo all have this weird story that kind of continues through them. He conjures up the old, weird Hollywood like no one else I believe…

By: comicsgirl Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:16:24 +0000 Chris: Thank you for putting it on. I grew up in Richmond (my mom still lives there so I made a weekend trip out of this event) so it’s always fun when cool things go on there.

I definitely understand that the creators liked the challenge of anthologies, but I did get the impression they’d just as soon not do them.

(By the way, I think AdHouse has put out some great anthologies. We have Project: Romantic and Project: Telstar. I constantly kick myself that I didn’t pick up Project: Superior when it was in print.)

By: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 14:22:22 +0000 Hello and thanks for the write up comicsgirl. I was at the event with a neighbor friend sitting front and center and really enjoyed the discussion. I loved the mix of viewpoints and methods from each of the panelists. An interesting note was I was surprised by the lack of answers from them about what it feels like to become a part of “culture” with their work. Seems their journeys in this line of work is very personal to them…but they should realize that once they let the project go and send it to the world that it does affect people in ways they did not seem to want to discuss… thus affecting culture. For me they are truly inspiring and they deserve to pat themselves on the back more than they do for affecting culture, emotions and attitudes of their readers. I did hang out for the signing and was so impressed with how gracious each of them were to not only sign objects, but also include little on the spot illustrations next to their signatures. Very cool! I knew a lot about Hope’s work going in and look forward to following the others now as well. Oh… and anthologies… I love them. They are a great way to discover work and try out the waters of other artists styles that you might not normally purchase.

By: Chris Pitzer Wed, 28 Oct 2009 14:17:41 +0000 Thanks for the great write up, as well as driving down from Arlington. I wasn’t sure about the turn out as well, since I’ve been to very few comic related events in Richmond. That said, I talked to Hope afterwards, and she was very happy with the event and the amount of people who came. In regards to anthologies, I came away thinking the creators enjoyed the challenge of creating for them. But yeah, I don’t know how many actually read them. I enjoy good ones when I can find them!

By: comicsgirl Wed, 28 Oct 2009 03:05:38 +0000 I am curious about if people who already love comics approach anthologies in a different way than the people who don’t. I think Comic Book Tattoo might be a good example. If you are just a Tori Amos fan and you pick it up, would you necessarily seek out comics by those creators afterwards? I think that’s kind of what the panelists were trying to get at.

I think for people who already love comics, anthologies have a lot to offer. But as an entry point for non-comics readers? I don’t know about that.

By: Rob McMonigal Wed, 28 Oct 2009 02:06:38 +0000 I love anthologies, and I do use them to find new artists and writers to follow.

I find Bell’s comment particularly ironic because I only found her–reading an anthology.
