Comments on: Ervin Anderson needs to leave the house more Fri, 10 Apr 2009 00:20:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: talkinboutcomics Fri, 10 Apr 2009 00:20:24 +0000 Zap! POW!! Comics aren’t just for kids (or smelly boys) anymore…

This was obviously a light piece, and really there is no great harm in it or anything… it does perpetuate a stereotype, and maybe a myth that I think can lead guys to the wrong conclusion, and maybe deep depression or something.

In the long run, when all is said and done… it really isn’t your comics keeping you from getting a date.

There are plenty of guys that don’t like comics. There are plenty of guys that don’t like lots of things, including girls.

If the sole basis of your relationship is comics, then you will probably, eventually find that you should base relationships on more than a single interest.

I think honesty and sincerity are more important than bonding over your obsession… In fact… There is a camp that would argue that you are better off if you each have your own thing that is just yours.

Go ahead, show the person you like what you read, tell them about it, but not so much that their ears bleed. if they want to know more… Invite them to read, but don’t expect or require them to. If they love comics as much as you do, then huzzah! if they don’t, but don’t hold it against you or think you are an idiot… Then don’t hold it against them either. *Secret from almost 20 years of marriage*… There are a lot of other things in life and in marriage that matter WAY more than comics in regard to your happiness together.

I would also not presume that you could ever really say… All the ladies like X comic. I think it doesn’t ever hurt when inroducing a non-comics reader to comics to let them see a variety of what you consider the best written, most enjoyable examples that you yourself have enjoyed. If you go with something you like, then you will best be able to communicate about it. If they hate what you like, but are still interested in comics, I would base the next suggestions on other interests, or novels they have liked. When it all comes down to it… Maybe they will like Archies and hate Sandman… Maybe Youngblood speaks to their soul in ways that Strangers in Paradise never could. It takes all types.
