Comments on: Can we stop pretending all comic book stores are now awesome? Sun, 01 Jul 2018 13:02:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Happy 20th birthday, Comicsgirl! – Comicsgirl Sun, 01 Jul 2018 13:02:00 +0000 […] Can we stop pretending all comic book stores are now awesome? Plus bonus followup: The Big Bang Theory’s Alice is the future […]

By: ChatOmbre Mon, 05 Mar 2012 18:00:57 +0000 Honestly, ignored is one of the better things you can be as a female in a comic book shop. Back when I lived in Cobb county (GA), there was a comics and gaming store next to my dance studio that I used to go to before or after ballet classes… I stopped going because they would constantly leer and hover, and be a little *too* eager to help me (I only need to be asked “can I help you?” so many times. you’ve seen me here enough that you should realize I know what I’m doing and don’t need or want you to explain the basics of D&D, or anything else. and don’t hover behind my shoulder while I’m looking at the books. if you do I’ll feel unsafe and will leave without buying anything.)

So even if being ignored is the treatment I would receive at Stories (though I doubt I’d be ignored if I really did need help or have a question)… it sounds better than a lot of other comic book shops I’ve been to!

By: comicsgirl Mon, 05 Mar 2012 17:36:18 +0000 In reply to Caitlin.

Hi, Caitlin.

I wrote this nearly three years ago, and while I don’t regret what I said, it’s not something I’d say now. Or at least, I’d say it differently.

Admittedly, my memories of Stories probably predates when you were working there since I haven’t lived in the area for a little more than 9 years. I may feel differently about the store now, quite honestly. Also, since this was written, I’ve also become friends with Jared Smith, who owns the Vienna Big Planet Comics I mentioned and we’ve talked about these issues (and I’ve discussed these issues with other members of the Big Planet Comics family). In fact, I was just hanging out at the Vienna Big Planet this weekend.

I don’t that there doesn’t need to be a one-size-fits-all approach to comic book stores — a comic book store that’s awesome to one person may not necessarily be awesome to someone else. A place I feel comfortable may be a place someone else feels uncomfortable. I think there’s room in the world for all kinds of comic book stores.

By: Caitlin Mon, 05 Mar 2012 17:02:39 +0000 I’m Caitlin, and I have been working at Stories (the very one mentioned in this article) for about six years now. Before that, I was a lifelong and very loyal customer, so I probably grew up in the same neighborhood where your mother lives.

Honestly, I have to say I’m a little hurt that you classify Stories as “not awesome.” Our customer base is very diverse and quite loyal. Sure, there are some other places that are more brightly lit, but most people that come in to my store find it cozy. A lot of folks that come in for the first time are very delighted with how unique and vast this location is. I’ve seen a lot of other comic stores, some really great ones, but can we just agree that Stories is still awesome, in a different way?

By: BradyDale Mon, 21 Mar 2011 18:18:14 +0000 yeah, didn’t seem off the mark to me at all. Especially since Claire WAS NOT in a big Metro area at the time, she was out in the Burbs somewhere. Seemed totally appropriate. The only part that stretched believability for me was that she would come back after the creepy comment about the dudes looking at her.

Still, I loved that they worked in the reference to new-comics-wednesdays.

By: Web Juice! #5 | A COMIC BOOK BLOG Fri, 30 Apr 2010 12:18:26 +0000 […] Commentary On Comic Book Shops & Girls […]

By: comicsgirl Sun, 28 Feb 2010 16:44:56 +0000 In reply to Tami.

I’ve definitely made it a point to visit great comic book stores in my travels (my travels being what they are, of course) and pointing them out. While there are many different types of comic book stores out there, I think the comfortable, welcoming ones remain the exception and not the rule, though. I think it’s slowly changing, but every time I think that, I tend to get proven wrong.

By: Tami Sun, 28 Feb 2010 01:56:45 +0000 My experience, as limited as it is, is that comic book stores are as varied as any other store. It comes down to customer service. As a 47-year-old woman I am acutely aware of the fact I don’t quite mesh in your average comic book store. I see few women at my hometown store (Double Midnight Comics in Manchester NH) , but they have always treated me just like any other comic book fan and has made me comfortable enough that I make a trip there every week with my 16-year-old son who is also a comic book enthusiast. I make a point of going to Double Midnight Comics every week and give them business because they treat both of us well and they deserve my business. Other stores, not so much. Stores that treat women or non-“experts” as anything less than a valued customer will only make e-bay that much more attractive and will eventually put themselves out of business. That would be sad, because, honestly, there’s nothing as satisfying as going to the comic book store.

By: comicsgirl Mon, 23 Mar 2009 14:52:46 +0000 That’s interesting to me — that comic book stores can be uncomfortable for just about anyone. I think there’s a fine balance between catering to fans and non-fans. If they swing too far in either direction, they will lose someone.

By: talkinboutcomics Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:51:59 +0000 I agree with you.
I go to Painted Visions in Woodbridge. It isn’t a fancy store, but the owner is a great guy, and the staff greets you when you walk in, and is pretty attentive as well as trying to be mindful of younger shoppers, etc. (They will let parents know that they may want to look at watchmen first before letting their young child buy it, They have quieted down customers and asked them to watch their language when kids are in the store, etc. They don’t stock everything, but they will bend over backwards to get anything you ask for.

That being said… I am a big, huge guy with a beard, and I have felt invisible and unwelcome in plenty of comic stores. Sometimes it’s introverts at the register, and sometimes it’s the Comic Guy from the Simpsons.

I loved Forbidden Planet, but I saw no female employees there in the two trips I made (doesn’t mean there aren’t any.) I did see a good number of women in the store both times, though. Of the employees in the store, half were really trying, and half were rock-stars who were a bit too cool for customers in my opinion. I still love the place and will go back, and I wasn’t ignored at all, just slightly alienated, maybe.

I think that if there is outrage, it may be from the sort of … comic fan ‘ivory tower’ (which I would say I am in… or at least the suburban equivalent) I’m not taking a real position on the Heores thing, just agreeing with you.
